Note: Data usage amounts are approximate and should not be used for billing purposes. For accurate data usage amounts, check with Sprint or click the My Sprint link in the My Account Summary section to view your account details.
The Data Usage section displays:
Current billing period
Remaining | Amount of data still available from the monthly limit, and the number of days |
this month | remaining before the next billing period begins. |
Used this | The amount of data sent and received during the billing period for each network |
month | type. |
Reset button | Click to set the displayed monthly usage values to 0MB. |
Important: This does not reset the actual data usage for the billing cycle.
Current session
Used | Data amount used since your device connected to the network |
Elapsed time | Length of time that your device has been connected to the network |
My Account Summary
The My Account Summary section shows basic information about your plan, and includes a link to see more detailed information.
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