MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
Point to Point Setup
The Point to Point Setup dialog box controls the WAN port protocol, dial on demand, and remote port setup. The WAN port protocol can be either Point to Point Protocol (PPP) or Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP). PPP is the more robust of the two protocols in that it allows the
Note: At this time, the MultiFRAD does not support voice/fax operation in a
In order to display the PPP dialog box, the WAN Port Setup dialog box has to be configured for PPP/ SLIP.
PPPis the default protocol. If SLIP is being used, click the PPP Enable option to disable PPP. Click the SLIP Enable option. Determine if the TCP header is going to be compressed using VJC compression. If VJC compression is used, click the CSLIP (Van Jacobson Compression) option.