Multi-Tech Systems MT5600BAV.92, MT5600BLV.90, MT5600BAV.90 manual General

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￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Chapter 1 - Description and Features

Congratulations￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿on your purchase of the MultiModemII modem. You have acquired one of the finest intelligent data/fax modems available today from one of the world’s oldest modem manufacturers: Multi- Tech Systems, Inc. This user guide will help you install, configure, test and use your modem.

This modem supports two-wire and/or four-wire leased lines. The four-wire leased line includes the dial backup and automatic leased line restoration features. Please note that, because leased-line operation consists of two client modems connected to each other, the maximum leased line data rate is 33.6K bps.

The MT5600BA-V.92 modem supports both two-wire and four-wire leased lines. The MT5600BA modem supports a two-wire leased line.

The MT5600BL modem supports a four-wire leased line.

The MultiModemII offers interactive automatic dialing. You can store four command lines or telephone numbers of up to 30 characters each in the modem’s nonvolatile memory. The modem pulse- or tone- dials, and recognizes dial tones and busy signals for reliable call-progress detection. It can also detect AT&T calling card tones. It is FCC-registered for connection to telephone networks without notification to the telephone company.

The MultiModemII front panel includes a liquid crystal display and four buttons, which together can be used to either display the current connection status of the modem or to configure the modem. The MultiModemII￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿also￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿can be configured through standard AT commands.

AT Commands for this product are published in a separate document and included on the MT5600BA/BL System CD that accompanies your modem.


Complies with major international standards to ensure compatibility with other modems.

Uses DTMF and tone detection to distinguish data and fax calls when used with software that supports these features.

Supports serial port speeds to 230.4K bps with compatible serial ports

Supports Caller ID (North American versions only).

Displays status and configuration information on a front panel LCD.


Supports automatic fallback to slower speeds in noisy line conditions, and fall-forward to faster speeds as conditions improve.

Supports both synchronous and asynchronous data transfer.

Support two-wire leased line operation. Also supports four-wire leased line operation with dial backup and leased line restoration.

Supports callback security and remote configuration.

Supports AS400 applications.

Automatically disables compression when transferring already-compressed files.

Can autodial, redial, pulse (rotary) and touch-tone dial.

Detects dial tones and busy signals for reliable call-progress detection.

Compatible with the standard AT command set used by most communication programs.

Supports Plug and Play (PnP).

Can be flash upgraded.


Supports V.17, Class 1, and Group 3 fax standards, (V.92 support Class 2 also) allowing it to communicate with other fax modems as well as with fax machines.

Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide


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Contents MT5600BA/BL Series Revision Date Description Table of Contents Contents General Description and Features Telephone systems Wall jack Installation$#%#8. Click Finish to exit +,-./0$1Chapter 2 Installation 345 Using the Front Panel Front panel Using the Front PanelTrunks LimbsTwigs Limbs Branches Twigs From previous Limbs Branches Twigs Using the Front Panel Limb Branches Twigs Using the Front Panel Using the Front Panel Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide Using the Front Panel Using the Front Panel Using the Front Panel Ters, press the 〈 and  buttons. To go to the next position Using the Front Panel Leased Line Operation Leased Line Operation Leased Line Operation Leased Line Operation Remote Configuration Remote Configuration Modem you must use the new passwordCallback Security Callback Security AvailableIng strings have been entered Callback Security Callback Enable/Disable # Callback Security Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Assistance see Appendix D TroubleshootingTroubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Appendix a Regulatory Compliance Appendix a Regulatory Compliance Modem to become non-compliant Exceed Command Buffer CommandsError Correction Mode of OperationConnectors Appendix B Technical SpecificationsDiagnostics IndicatorsAppendix C Warranty,Service, and Technical Support Sep-01 DEFAULT.ASP Appendix C Warranty, Service, and Technical SupportEtc Restore your parameters Not 6.xx firmware Close the terminal program Com4 ttyS3 Appendix E Installing a Modem Under Linux Using the Modem to Call the InternetAppendix F Pin Descriptions RDL Appendix F Pin DescriptionsFig. F-4. Two-wire leased line cable Index IndexSerial cable Windows