Multi-Tech Systems MT5600BAV.90, MT5600BLV.90, MT5600BAV.92 manual Not 6.xx firmware

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￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Appendix D - Upgrading the Firmware

Identify the current version of the firmware at the Multi-Tech Web site. If your modem already has the current firmware, there is no need to update it.

1.Using your favorite Web browser, go to firmware.asp.

2.Scroll down the table to your modem model number.

3.Look at the firmware version number for your modem.

4.If the firmware version number matches the firmware version number found in “Step 1: Identify the Modem Firmware,” your modem has the current firmware version, and does not need to be updated.

5.If the firmware version number is greater than the firmware version number found in “Step 1: Identify

the Modem Firmware,” your modem has an older firmware version. Continue with “Step 3: Download the Upgrade File.”

Warning: The first digit of the new firmware must match the first digit of the old firmware, or the modem may not work properly. E.g., if your current firmware version is 4.16, replace it only with 4.xx firmware,

￿￿￿￿￿not 6.xx firmware￿￿￿!￿￿￿"￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿"￿.

1.If you are not already at the MultiModemII Firmware page of the Multi-Tech Web site, follow the procedure in “Step 2: Identify the Current Firmware.”

2.Download the upgrade file for your modem by clicking its name, and save the file in a temporary folder on your hard disk.

3.In the same section of the Web page, click the Flash Wizard utility for your operating system to

￿￿￿￿￿#￿￿￿download it,$and%￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿"￿￿save it in the same folder.

1.Install the Flash Wizard utility by double-clicking the file name in Windows Explorer.

2.Extract the upgrade files by double-clicking the file name. The extracted files include a .HEX file, which contains the upgrade data, and a Readme file.

3.Copy the upgrade .HEX file into the Flash Wizard folder, which, in a default installation, is at C:\Program Files\MultiTech Systems\Flash Wizard\.

Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide


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Contents MT5600BA/BL Series Revision Date Description Table of Contents Contents General Description and Features Telephone systems Installation Wall jack$#%#8. Click Finish to exit +,-./0$1Chapter 2 Installation 345 Using the Front Panel Using the Front Panel Front panelTrunks LimbsTwigs Limbs Branches Twigs From previous Limbs Branches Twigs Using the Front Panel Limb Branches Twigs Using the Front Panel Using the Front Panel Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide Using the Front Panel Using the Front Panel Using the Front Panel Ters, press the 〈 and  buttons. To go to the next position Using the Front Panel Leased Line Operation Leased Line Operation Leased Line Operation Leased Line Operation Remote Configuration Modem you must use the new password Remote ConfigurationCallback Security Available Callback SecurityIng strings have been entered Callback Security Callback Enable/Disable # Callback Security Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Assistance see Appendix DTroubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Appendix a Regulatory Compliance Appendix a Regulatory Compliance Modem to become non-compliant Exceed Error Correction CommandsCommand Buffer Mode of OperationDiagnostics Appendix B Technical SpecificationsConnectors IndicatorsAppendix C Warranty,Service, and Technical Support Sep-01 Appendix C Warranty, Service, and Technical Support DEFAULT.ASPEtc Restore your parameters Not 6.xx firmware Close the terminal program Com4 ttyS3 Using the Modem to Call the Internet Appendix E Installing a Modem Under LinuxAppendix F Pin Descriptions Appendix F Pin Descriptions RDLFig. F-4. Two-wire leased line cable Index IndexSerial cable Windows