Select :>> c
Please Wait !!
Group 1 >> 1 2
VLAN Group 2 ,assigned ports>>
[S]Port Select
[D]Port Delete
[A]Select All Ports
Select :>>
4.repeat step 1 through 3 but input ‘5’ and ‘6’ to assigned [port 5 ,6 ] to next VLAN group ,than you can see the result below
Group 1 >> 1 2
Group 2 >> 5 6
VLAN Group 3 ,assigned ports>>
[S]Port Select
[D]Port Delete
[A]Select All Ports
Select :>>
5.type ‘E’ or ‘e’ will assigned others to VALN group 3 and back to main menu.
6.assigned with a dedicated uplink port for each VLANs, please refer
to section of “Uplink Port”