Super G mode: From the
enhance the speed, there are three options on Super G mode: Super G without Turbo; Super G with Dynamic Turbo and Super G with Static Turbo. The Turbo mode indicates the combination of two channels to enhance the throughput. Super G without Turbo indicates that it is on Super G mode without the channel combination. Dynamic Turbo is able to automatically detect if any Super
Extended Range Mode: Enables and disables the extended range of the router.
The Authentication Type default is set to Disable. There are four options:
Disable, WEP, WPA and WPA2.
WEP Encryption WEP: Open System allows public access to the router via wireless communications; Shared Key requires the user to set a WEP key to exchange data with other wireless clients that have the same WEP key.
Mode: Select the key mode in ASCII or HEX.
WEP Encryption
WEP Key: Select the level of encryption from the
Key 1 — Key 4: Enables the user to create an encryption scheme for wireless LAN transmissions. Manually enter a set of values for each key. Select a key to use by clicking the radio button next to the key. Click “Clear” to erase key values.
WPA/WPA2 Security
If WPA or WPA2 is selected, one of the following screens is shown. Set the length of the encryption key and the parameters for the RADIUS server.