Using filters denies or allows user access. There are five types of filters to select from: MAC Filters, URL Blocking, IP Filters, Protocol Filters and Domain Blocking.
MAC Filters
MAC Filter: Enables you to allow or deny Internet access to users within the LAN based on the MAC address of their network interface. Click the radio button next to Disabled to disable the MAC filter.
Disable: The function of the MAC filter is disabled.
Allow: Only allows computers with a MAC address listed in the MAC Table.
Deny: Allows all users Internet access except those with computers in the MAC Table.
MAC Table: Use this section to create a user profile in which Internet
access is denied or allowed. The user profiles are listed in the table at the bottom of the page. Note: Click anywhere in the item. Once the line is selected, the fields automatically load the item’s parameters, which you can then edit.
Name: Type the name of the user to be permitted/denied access.
MAC Address: Type the MAC address of the user’s network interface.
Add: Click to add the user to the list at the bottom of the page.
Update: Click to update information if you have changed any of the fields.
Delete: Select a user from the table at the bottom of the screen and click “Delete” to remove the user profile.
New: Click to erase all fields and enter new information.