Print Server Administration User’s Guide
To access the Queue Service Settings tab,
1.Choose Netware Protocol... from the EtherP Admin Configuration menu, or click the Configure NetWare button in the toolbar. Click on the Queue Service Settings tab.
2.Click on the port number button corresponding to the port requiring a parameter change.
The parameters listed are:
♦Queue Polling Interval This parameter determines how often the print server scans print queues on the file server(s), measured in seconds. A smaller number may mean that print jobs are printed with a smaller delay, but will also greatly increase the load on the server.
♦Form Type Service This parameter, along with the queue service mode described below, determines how the print server handles forms when it is serving print queues.
Using the PCONSOLE program, you can define different forms, which identify the different types of paper that the printer can use (e.g., plain, letterhead, legal, A4, B4, etc.). Print jobs may specify what print form they wish to use. If a job requests a form that isn’t currently loaded, it may be necessary for the printer operator to manually change forms before printing can continue.
If the form type service is set to All Forms, then the print server ignores the job’s form and immediately prints all jobs sent to it. If it is set to Current Form, then the printer uses the Queue Service Mode parameter to determine how to handle form changes.
♦Queue Service Mode Determines how the printer responds to changes in the current printing form:
◊Change as needed Serves print jobs in order, stopping to allow a forms change every time it becomes necessary.
◊Minimize form changes within print queues Reorders jobs within an individual print queue in order to minimize the number of form changes required. When a forms change is required, printing will stop to allow the change.
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