Basic 4700 Series Configuration
eIf using the static or DHCP Server option, enter a Default Gateway to define the numerical IP address of a router the access point uses on the Ethernet as its default gateway
A Default Gateway cannot be configured on both the Access Point's LAN and WAN ports. Ensure the gateway is defined on only one of the two port options.
fIf using a static or DHCP Server, enter the Primary DNS Server numerical IP address.
gIf using DHCP Server, use the Address Assignment Range parameter to specify a range of IP address reserved for mapping clients to IP addresses. If a manually (static) mapped IP address is within the IP address range specified, that IP address could still be assigned to another client. To avoid this, ensure all statically mapped IP addresses are outside of the IP address range assigned to the DHCP server.
For additional access point port configuration options, as well as radio, WLAN and Quality of Service (QoS) options, refer to the Altitude 4700 Series Access Point Product Reference Guide available at http://www.extremenetworks.com/go/documentation.
7Select the WLAN #1 tab (WLANs 1 - 4 are available within the Quick Setup screen) to define its ESSID security scheme for basic operation.
A maximum of 16 WLANs are configurable within the access point Wireless Configuration screen. The limitation of 16 WLANs exists regardless of the number of radios supported.
aEnter the Extended Services Set Identification (ESSID) and name associated with the WLAN.
bUse the Available On checkboxes to define whether the target WLAN is operating over the 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n radio. Ensure the radio selected has been enabled (see step 8).
8Once the WLAN’s radio designations have been made, the radio must be configured in respect to intended 2.4 or 5 GHz radio traffic and the antennas used. Refer to Network Configuration
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