About This Guide
This guide describes the requirements for the successful installation of the RoamAbout indoor and outdoor antennas used in a RoamAbout wireless network. A RoamAbout wireless network consists of RoamAbout wireless products that use an 802.11 a/b/g compliant radio.
Electrical Hazard: Only qualified personnel should perform installation procedures.
Riesgo Eléctrico: Solamente personal calificado debe realizar procedimientos de instalacion.
Elektrischer Gefahrenhinweis: Installationen sollten nur durch ausgebildetes und qualifiziertes Personal vorgenommen werden.
Intended Audience
The RoamAbout outdoor antennas must be installed by an antenna installation professional who can determine, provide, and install the necessary support structure and grounding system. The antenna installation professional should be licensed or certified in accordance with local regulations.
Chapter 1 contains information for a sales engineer or site evaluator to determine the type of outdoor equipment needed to satisfy the customer’s outdoor wireless requirements.
Chapter 2 provides information for an antenna installation professional and network manager to determine where to place the RoamAbout AP and Lightning Protector. This chapter also provides an overview of the cabling for the Access Point.
Chapter 3 contains the information needed for an antenna installation professional to set up, install, and test the RoamAbout antennas and cables.
Appendix A provides the antenna specifications.
RoamAbout Antenna Site Preparation and Installation Guide vii