2.Drag to select the desired mode: Percent Load, Percent Errors, or Percent Collisions. The button label will change to reflect the new mode, and the bar graph will refresh to display the current value.
Performance Graph
With the Repeater Performance Graphs, you can use
You can select the statistics that you wish to monitor by clicking the buttons at the lower left of the Performance Graph window. When clicked, each button displays a list of options; when you alter a parameter, the new parameter will appear on the face of the button, and the statistics will refresh to zero activity before regenerating.
Accessing the Performance Graph Windows
To access the Repeater Performance Graph window:
1.Click on Repeater on the Chassis View menu bar to display the repeater menu.
2.Drag down to Performance Graph... and release. The Repeater Performance Graphs window, Figure
Figure 3-6. Performance Graph
Performance Graph |