Edimax Technology Edimax user guide Router Dhcp IP Address, Range, ARP Proxy, LAN Any IP Setup

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DHCP Server Setup - If you are already using a DHCP Server, the


DHCP Server setting must be Disabled, and the existing DHCP server


must be set to provide the IP address of The Load Balancer as the


Default Gateway.


Client Lease Time – It is a finite period of time for a DHCP server lease


an IP address to a client..


Client Default DNS – An IP address of the default DNS server for the


client requesting DHCP service.

DHCP IP Address

Offered Range fields set the values used by the DHCP server when


allocating IP Addresses to DHCP clients. This range also determines the


number of DHCP clients supported.


Free Entries indicates how many DHCP entries are not currently


allocated, and still available.

ARP Proxy

Enable this ONLY if the LAN port has an IP address in the same address


range as the WAN port(s). This means that all PCs using this Gateway must


have valid fixed external (Internet) IP addresses.


If enabled, enter the IP address range used on your LAN.



LAN Any IP Setup

By default is disabled. If you enable “LAN Any IP”, that means no matter what


static IP address hold on the client (your PC). The client has do not need to


change the IP address, even though it has different IP segment than LAN


segment. It still can access Internet through NAT.

DHCP Client List

This table shows the IP addresses which have been allocated by the DHCP


Server function. For each address which has been allocated, the following


information is shown.


Name – The "hostname" of the PC. In some cases, this may not be




MAC Address – The physical address (network adapter address) of the




IP Address – The IP address allocated to this PC.


Type – Indicates IP address to be dynamic or static.


Status – If Dynamic, the IP address was allocated by this DHCP Server.


If Sniffed, the IP address was detected by examining the LAN, rather than


allocated by the DHCP Server. In this case, the Name is usually not




Time Left – The time expired since which IP address is leased.



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Contents Load Balancing Router User’s Guide Page Table of Contents Overview TCP/IP Settings Overview General Problems Internet AccessOperation System Status WAN Status NAT Status Introduction Internet FeaturesMultiple IP Address Support Port Switching Hub Other FeaturesPhysical Details Package ContentsLED Action Condition LAN Ports Default SettingsReset Button Rear PanelWindows Tftp utility Overview Basic SetupProcedure Configuring The Load Balancer for your LANNo Response ? Subnet Mask Settings LAN & DhcpConfiguration IP AddressARP Proxy LAN Any IP SetupDhcp IP Address RangeInstallation Diagram Installing The Load Balancer in your LANPrimary Setup Screen Configuring The Load Balancer for Internet AccessSettings Primary Setup Optional Overview Configure PCs on your LANTCP/IP Settings Internet AccessAccessing AOL Macintosh ClientsLinux Clients To act as a Dhcp Client recommended Port Options Advanced Port SetupOption Settings Port OptionsConnection Options Transparent BridgeLoad Balance Load BalanceInterface Settings Load BalanceLoad Balance StatisticsAdvanced PPPoE Settings Advanced PPPoEAdvanced Pptp Settings Advanced PptpHost IP Setup Advanced ConfigurationHost IP Setup Settings Host IP SetupList Host NetworkBinding Host & GroupVirtual Servers Connecting to the Virtual ServersAddress Settings Virtual ServerEnable Server TypeCustom Server Settings Custom Virtual ServersCustom Virtual Servers Select Custom Server Server List NameCustom Virtual Server Select Special Application Name Select Name Item Settings Special ApplicationsSpecial Application Configuration Special ApplicationsIncoming Port Range Using a Special Application on your PCOutgoing Port Range Incoming ProtocolDynamic DNS To use the Dynamic DNS featureSettings Dynamic DNS Multi DMZ Multi DMZSettings Multi DMZ Settings UPnP UPnPUPnP Option NAT NAT Alias Settings NAT10 Advanced Features Advanced FeaturesSettings Advanced Features Using Remote Web-based Setup Interface Smtp Simple Mail Transport Protocol BindingProtocol Protocol and Port Binding URL Filter Security ManagementBlock Internet Settings URL FilterFilter Setting Access FilterSettings Access Filter Setup Access GroupBlock Block Well-knownPorts User-defined Ports toSession Limit Foreign Port Range Firewall Exception EnableSystem Filter Exception ProtocolFeature QoS ConfigurationQoS Setup Data QoS SetupPolicy Configuration Data Policy ConfigurationNetwork Admission Policy Snmp Management AssistantEmail Alert Settings SnmpEnable/Disable Email Alert Email Alert Configuration Event Settings Email Alert3Syslog SyslogSyslog Configuration Syslog GlobalSyslog Server Admin Password Screen Admin Password ScreenFirmware Upgrade Screen Upgrade FirmwareAdvanced LAN Configuration Existing Dhcp ServerRouting Settings Routing Configuring Other Routers on your LAN Static Routing ExampleFor The Load Balancer Gateways Routing Table For Router As Default Route For Router Bs Default RouteEntry 2 Segment Operation and Status OperationSystem Status Device Data System StatusRestore Factory Defaults Restore Factory DefaultsWAN Status WAN StatusLAN IP Info NAT TimeoutsNAT Status Data NAT StatusNAT Connections ErrorsTCP Prosperity NAT TrafficSpecifications FCC StatementCE Marking Warning Windows TCP/IP Setup Overview TCP/IP SettingsChecking TCP/IP Settings Windows 9x/ME Using Dhcp Select Control Panel Network and Dial-up Connection Checking TCP/IP Settings WindowsUsing a fixed IP Address Use the following IP Address Figure B-7 Network Configuration Windows XP Checking TCP/IP Settings Windows XPFigure B-8 TCP/IP Properties Windows XP Troubleshooting General ProblemsInternet Access Solution