Edimax Technology Edimax user guide Router manual Connecting to the Virtual Servers

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Virtual Servers

This feature allows you to make Servers on your LAN accessible to Internet users. Normally, Internet users would not be able to access a server on your LAN because:

Your Server's IP address is only valid on your LAN, not on the Internet.

Attempts to connect to devices on your LAN are blocked by the firewall in The Load Balancer.

The "Virtual Server" feature solves these problems and allows Internet users to connect to your servers, as illustrated below.

Figure 4-2: Virtual Servers

Note that, in this illustration, both Internet users are connecting to the same IP Address, but using different protocols.

Connecting to the Virtual Servers

Once configured, anyone on the Internet can connect to your Virtual Servers. They must use The Load Balancer's Internet IP Address (the IP Address allocated by your ISP).


To Internet users, all virtual Servers on your LAN have the same IP Address. This IP Address is allocated by your ISP.

This address should be static, rather than dynamic, to make it easier for Internet users to connect to your Servers. However, you can use the Dynamic DNS feature (explained later in this chapter) to allow users to connect to your Virtual Servers using a URL, instead of an IP Address.


HTTP://my_domain_name.dyndns.org FTP://my_domain_name.dyndns.org

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Contents Load Balancing Router User’s Guide Page Table of Contents Operation System Status WAN Status NAT Status Overview TCP/IP SettingsOverview General Problems Internet Access Internet Features IntroductionMultiple IP Address Support Other Features Port Switching HubPackage Contents Physical DetailsLED Action Condition Default Settings Reset ButtonRear Panel LAN PortsWindows Tftp utility Basic Setup ProcedureConfiguring The Load Balancer for your LAN OverviewNo Response ? Settings LAN & Dhcp ConfigurationIP Address Subnet MaskLAN Any IP Setup Dhcp IP AddressRange ARP ProxyInstalling The Load Balancer in your LAN Installation DiagramConfiguring The Load Balancer for Internet Access Primary Setup ScreenSettings Primary Setup Optional Configure PCs on your LAN TCP/IP SettingsInternet Access OverviewLinux Clients Accessing AOLMacintosh Clients To act as a Dhcp Client recommended Advanced Port Setup Port OptionsSettings Port Options Connection OptionsTransparent Bridge OptionLoad Balance Load BalanceSettings Load Balance Load BalanceStatistics InterfaceSettings Advanced PPPoE Advanced PPPoESettings Advanced Pptp Advanced PptpAdvanced Configuration Host IP SetupSettings Host IP Setup Host IP SetupHost Network BindingHost & Group ListConnecting to the Virtual Servers Virtual ServersSettings Virtual Server EnableServer Type AddressSettings Custom Virtual Servers Custom Virtual ServersSelect Custom Server Server List Name Custom ServerCustom Virtual Server Settings Special Applications Special Application ConfigurationSpecial Applications Select Special Application Name Select Name ItemUsing a Special Application on your PC Outgoing Port RangeIncoming Protocol Incoming Port RangeTo use the Dynamic DNS feature Dynamic DNSSettings Dynamic DNS Multi DMZ Multi DMZSettings Multi DMZ UPnP Option Settings UPnPUPnP NAT Settings NAT NAT AliasAdvanced Features 10 Advanced FeaturesSettings Advanced Features Protocol Protocol and Port Binding Using Remote Web-based SetupInterface Smtp Simple Mail Transport Protocol Binding Security Management URL FilterSettings URL Filter Block InternetAccess Filter Settings Access FilterSetup Access Group Filter SettingBlock Well-known PortsUser-defined Ports to BlockSession Limit Firewall Exception Enable System Filter ExceptionProtocol Foreign Port RangeQoS Configuration QoS SetupData QoS Setup FeatureNetwork Admission Policy Policy ConfigurationData Policy Configuration Management Assistant SnmpSettings Snmp Email AlertSettings Email Alert Enable/Disable Email Alert Email Alert Configuration EventSyslog 3SyslogSyslog Server Syslog ConfigurationSyslog Global Admin Password Screen Admin Password ScreenUpgrade Firmware Firmware Upgrade ScreenRouting Advanced LAN ConfigurationExisting Dhcp Server Settings Routing For The Load Balancer Gateways Routing Table Configuring Other Routers on your LANStatic Routing Example Entry 2 Segment For Router As Default RouteFor Router Bs Default Route System Status Operation and StatusOperation Data System Status DeviceRestore Factory Defaults Restore Factory DefaultsWAN Status WAN StatusNAT Timeouts NAT StatusData NAT Status LAN IP InfoErrors TCP ProsperityNAT Traffic NAT ConnectionsCE Marking Warning SpecificationsFCC Statement Checking TCP/IP Settings Windows 9x/ME Windows TCP/IP SetupOverview TCP/IP Settings Using Dhcp Checking TCP/IP Settings Windows Select Control Panel Network and Dial-up ConnectionUsing a fixed IP Address Use the following IP Address Checking TCP/IP Settings Windows XP Figure B-7 Network Configuration Windows XPFigure B-8 TCP/IP Properties Windows XP Internet Access TroubleshootingGeneral Problems Solution