Chapter 10 URL Monitor
This feature is used to record user’s Internet activity, so in terms of this feature, the administrator can check out and control what they can do and have done.
Enable URL Monitor: After checking this feature, the Router will record LAN computer’s URL information, including the visiting Website, your LAN IP address and the time. The Router can record up to 500 entries. If the record is more than 500 entries, the counter will clean all records and restart the URL record again. If the Router is powered off and restarts the device, the records will be also lost. The default setting is disabled.
Enable Email: To enable this feature, the URL records will be sent to specified
example: email@123.com
SMTP Server Address: Input the SMTP server address here. If you are not clear what your SMTP server’s address is, you can find them from Help page of the registered
Send Email Address: Input the sending email address here.
User Name: Input the sending
Email Password: Input the sending
Time Triggering Interval: To set sending
ranges from 30 to 1440 minutes. For example: if you input 30 here, it means the Router will send a email from “Send Email Address” to “Receive Email Address” in every 30 minutes. And then the device will clean all records and start the recording again.