IP address notification 30
IP addresses - allowed 28
IP setup methods 35
Keep active during event 19
Keep active for 19
Log files 33, 37
Log files - event triggering 18 Loss of video - event triggering 18
Mail settings 32
Maintenance 33
Manual IP Configuration 31
Manual trigger 19
Microsoft Internet Explorer 35
Network settings 30
Network Traffic 32
Notification servers 21
NTP Server 29
Operating the video server 14
Operator - user group 28
Other IP setup methods 35
Output 32
Output port 19
Pan/Tilt/Zoom 16
Pan/Tilt/Zoom devices 48
Parameter List 34
Passwords 27
Pinout - I/O connectors 46
Ports & devices 32
Positional control 16
AXIS 250S User’s Manual
PTZ devices 16
Reports 33
Respond to trigger... 18 Restarting the server 33
Restoring the factory default settings 33 Retry count - HTTP notifications 21 Root password 27
Schematic diagram 47
Server boot - event triggering 18 Server Report 37
Setting up event types 17 SMTP - IP address notification 30 SMTP network settings 32 Specifications 51
Splitting uploads 19 Suffixes 19 Support 33, 37 System options 26 System Requirements 11
TCP event notification 20
TCP notification servers 22
TCP Port number 29
TCP/IP - network settings 30
Technical specifications 51
Terminal blocks 46
Time Zone 29
Transistor output 49
Trigger types 18
Triggers 17
Troubleshooting 37
Updated firmware 41
Upload path - upload servers 20
Upload servers 20