It is possible to configure in the DAS configuration file a relation between drives and volsers in the following syntax:
DriveToVol drive = DriveName,
volsers =( (Volserrange1)(Volser), (Volserrange2)(Volser)) ,...)
For each drive that needs an attachment, a
DriveToVol statement must be configured as above.
This means that only the specified volsers can be mounted into drive Drive1
When no relation for a drive in the configuration file exists, each volume of the correct type can be mounted into the drive.
The statement is optional.
Step 5 If using DUALDAS, ensure that the port 5000 is not being used by another application. If the port is in use, change the port in the Server statement of the DAS config file.
ACI Installation
Perform the following steps to install ACI on the UNIX platforms.
Step 1 Copy the ACI tar file in the directory c:\das of the AMU PC
Step 2 Step 2 Copy the tar file to the client host using FTP.
Step 3 Step 3 Unpack the tar file using telnet or directly at the UNIX host
12 Release Notes
603108 Rev A