Oracle Audio Technologies SG-XPCIE2FC-ATCA-Z manual Please Recycle

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Contents Sun StorageTek Atca 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA Please Recycle Contents HBA Software Installation Known IssuesAccessing Oracle Documentation PrefaceDocumentation Comments Accessing Related DocumentationDocumentation, Support, and Training Kit Contents HBA Features and Specifications1HBA Features and Specifications Operating System Requirements System InteroperabilityStorage System Support Fibre Channel Switch SupportHost Platform Support Software Support 4Software SupportPage Hardware Installation and Removal Observing ESD and Handling PrecautionsTo Verify the PPS Shelf Manager Firmware Version Installing the HardwareTo Install the HBA Attach an antistatic strap1Removing the AMC Slot Filler Panel 2Inserting the HBA Into the AMC Connector To Connect the Optical Cable1Optical Cable Specifications Connect the other end of the cable to the FC device2Port LED Indicator Status Definitions To Verify the Installation Solaris OS Use the cfgadm command to verify proper HBA installationUse the cfgadm -alcommand to verify attached storage To Verify Attached Storage Solaris OSTo Prepare the HBA for Hot-Plug Removal Solaris OS Use the cfgadm command to identify the HBA to be removedRemoving the Hardware To Remove the HBA Hardware 5Removing the HBAInstalling Software for the Solaris OS To Install or Update the Driver From a PatchTo Obtain the Wind River Development Kit Installing Software for the Wind River Linux OSSolaris Diagnostic Support Installing Software for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS To Install the HBA Software for the Linux OSPage Known Issues Potential AMC I/O Card Declaration of Conformity, Safety, and Regulatory Statements Page Declaration of Conformity Page Safety Agency Compliance Statements Safety PrecautionsBattery Warning Rack System Warning Energy Storage Module Caution System Unit CoverRack System Instructions Conformité aux normes de sécurité Positionnement d’un produit Sun Conformité Selv Connexion du cordon d’alimentationMise en garde relative au système en rack Couvercle de lunitéInstructions de montage en rack Avis de conformité des appareils laser SymboleEinhaltung sicherheitsbehördlicher Vorschriften Périphériques CD et DVDSELV-Konformität Modifikationen des GerätsAufstellung von Sun-Geräten Anschluss des NetzkabelsAnweisungen zur Rack-Montage Normativas de seguridad Cumplimiento de la normativa para instalaciones Selv Modificaciones en el equipoColocación de un producto Sun Conexión del cable de alimentaciónCubierta de la unidad del sistema Advertencia sobre las bateríasAdvertencia relativa al módulo de almacenamiento de energía Instrucciones para el montaje en armarioDispositivos de CD y DVD Nordic Lithium Battery CautionsAdvertencia sobre el sistema en bastidor Norge SverigeNordic Power Distribution Cautions Nordic Grounded Socket CautionsICES-003 Class a Notice Avis NMB-003, Classe a Regulatory Compliance StatementsFCC Class a Notice Bsmi Class a Notice Korean MIC Class a Statement