C H A P T E R 4
Known Issues
This chapter contains any known issues with the HBA. The chapter contains the following topic:
■“Potential AMC I/O Card Corruption” on page 21
Potential AMC I/O Card Corruption
Issue: If you are using Oracle’s Sun Netra CT900 ATCA Blade Server or are using any Pigeon Point Systems Shelf Manager, the Shelf Manager will corrupt any AMC I/O cards when the Shelf Manager firmware is not at the latest version. The Shelf Manager firmware must be the latest version available from Oracle’s Download Center (for an Oracle chassis) or from Pigeon Point Systems (for a
Workaround: To prevent corruption, DO NOT insert any AMC I/O cards into the chassis until you have upgraded the Shelf Manager firmware to the latest available version.
Note – Only Oracle configurations, as described in “System Interoperability” on page 3, are supported. Use of this product in
To obtain the latest firmware, do either of the following:
●If you have an Oracle ATCA chassis, download the latest Shelf Manager firmware (R3HW1) from Oracle at: