C H A P T E R 1
HBA Overview
This chapter provides a basic overview of Oracle’s Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port host bus adapter (HBA), which uses Emulex technology. This chapter also describes the various operating systems, host platforms, storage, and infrastructure configurations that support the HBA.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■“Kit Contents” on page 1
■“HBA Features and Specifications” on page 1
■“Operating System Requirements” on page 3
■“System Interoperability” on page 3
Kit Contents
■Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA
■Accessing Documentation document (part number:
HBA Features and Specifications
The Sun StorageTek ATCA 4Gb FC Dual Port HBA
for a list of the HBA features.