Set-up Using an Analog Phone Line
1Connect Phone Cord
Phone |
Some commercial phone systems use digital lines that may damage the mailstation 2™. Like the mailstation 2™, most fax machines, credit card readers and modems also require analog lines. The mailstation 2™ can share a line with these devices. When in doubt, ask the person responsible for your phone systems.
Connect the phone cord to the mailstation 2™ and the other end to an analog phone line.
The following are usually analog lines:
•Fax lines
•Lines used by modems or credit card readers
•Residential phone lines
If you are using a DSL line you should use a DSL filter obtained from your DSL provider.
NOTE:For printing postage, the mailstation 2™ does not have to be connected to a phone line. However, if you add funds frequently, we recommend you keep it connected to an analog phone line.