The Basic I/O 1
BASIC I/Os are a family of small, industrial grade, remote data acquisition and control systems which exchange data with a Host computer via a serial communications link. Controlled by a wide range of software running on a Host computer, Basic I/Os are located near the sensors and actuators. The serial link eliminates the need for expensive and noise prone signal wiring between field sensors and actuators, and a central control room.
Each BASIC I/O system consists of one logic board connected to a 4, 8, or 16 position I/O module mounting rack. This combination is then field configurable to accept either analog or digital electrically isolated input or output modules which can interface to a wide variety of sensors and actuators.
BASIC I/O networks can service over 4000 analog and/or digital I/O lines in various combinations.
User selected serial communications between the Host and the first BASIC I/O can be RS- 422 or
The BASIC I/O instruction set core complies 100% with that of the OPTO- 22 Optomux ™ . With this ASCII character,
Software for use with the BASIC I/O system can be obtained from a variety of sources. Nearly every third party SCADA software vendor has developed a driver which is compatible with this system. In addition, the communication protocol employed by the BASIC I/O product is a published ASCII printable standard. This makes developing your own software a simple matter. duTec also offers a software solution called EASY I/O. With this package, custom QuickBASIC source code is generated to fit the signals generated to fit the signals located on the BASIC I/O. Once configured, a simple data acquisition program is automatically generated. This sample can then be altered to fit the particular needs of the user.