I-O Display Systems Basic I/O Product manual Baud Rates

Page 76

Setup 3

Baud Rates:

Any One of the standard baud rates of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400 can be used for the serial network communications. The sequential display indicates the letter H followed by the baud rate divided by 100. Basic I/Os are shipped at 9600 baud; the sequential display indicates H096. Changing the BASIC I/O AD baud rate is explained beginning on page 3-4

Protocol Handshake Types:

Two protocol handshake types are available, 2 pass and 4 pass.

2 Pass:

The host transmits an instruction to a BASIC I/O AD.


If the instruction is correctly received (i.e. valid address, instruction type and


correct checksum) the BASIC I/O AD executes the instruction and returns the


letter “A” and a cr or, where data is to be returned, the letter “A”, then the data,


followed by a two character checksum ending with a CR.

4 Pass:

The host transmits an instruction to a BASIC I/O AD. If the instruction is


correctly received (i.e. valid address, but not necessarily the correct instruction


type nor checksum), the BASIC I/O AD returns an “A” followed by the Echo of


the instruction and does not execute it. If the host then transmits an E, the


instruction is executed in the same manner as the 2 pass. If the Hos transmits any


other character to any unit on the network, the instruction is disregarded

The sequential display indicates the letter P followed by 2 or 4. BASIC I/O ADs are shipped in 2 pass mode; the sequential display indicates P2. The actual setting of the handshake protocol type is detailed following network type switch.

Network Type Switch:

The digit after the “l” ion the sequential display represents how the network switch is set.

Note: The seven segment display will not reflect a switch position change until power has been cycled to the unit.


Image 76
Contents Page Basic I/O Product Family Page Vol.1 Table of Contents Vol Table of Contents Basic I/O Basic I/OAnalog Inputs Analog input instruction types areAnalog Outputs Digital Inputs Digital Outputs System Throughput Throughput Tables7Vol.1 Communication Protocol Analog INPUTS, 12 BIT Analog OUTPUTS, 12 BIT Diagnostics Physical CharacteristicsProduct Test Basic I/O Models12Vol.1 Setup & Installation MountingPower Wiring +5V GNDCommunicating with the Basic I/O RS-485 can only be multidrop RepeatRS-422 RS-485RS-485 Programming Communication Wiring Network load V.S. Noise suppression Network Bias Resistor LocationsRS-422 Host to Basic I/O wiring RS-422 Host to Basic I/OBasic I/O to Basic I/O RS-422 Multidrop or Repeater RS-422 Basic I/O-To-BASIC I/O multidropRS-485 Host to Basic I/O RS-485 To-BASIC I/OBasic I/O to Basic I/O RS-485 Multidrop only RS-485 Basic I/O to Basic I/O MultidropBasic I/O setup Basic I/O Connectors, Switches and IndicatorsAddresses Analog/ DigitalBaud Rates Protocol Handshake Types Network Type Switch L1 RepeaterL2 Multidrop L3 Last UnitSetup via Pushbutton U1=00 H096 L3 P2Communication verification Hardware error codes Error CodeOther error codes Sensor/ Actuator I/O wiring10 AC Current and Voltage Wiring Analog Inputs11 Analog Voltage and Current input Wiring 13 Analog Voltage and Current Output Wiring Analog outputs14 Digital Input Wiring Digital Inputs15 Digital Output Wiring Digital OutputsVol.1 Index Analog OutputsPage Basic I/O AD Vol Table of Contents Basic I/O AD to Basic I/O AD RS-422 Capacity IntroductionProduct Test Signal compatibility Protocol Compatibility Temperature OffsetsGain/ Slope Range LimitsDelayed Digital inputs ReadPulse widths Pulse countingPulse Generator SquarewaveExtended capabilities Specifications Ordering InformationPosition Basic I/O AD BIO8AD/L8Vol.2 Installation InstallationPower Wiring Designing the Network MultidropRS-422 RS-485 Programming Communication Wiring Network Bias resistor locations Network Type Switches Basic I/O AD Connectors, Switches and IndicatorsLast Unit Communications Wiring RS-422 Host to Basic I/O ADRS-485 Host to Basic I/O AD RS-485 To-BASIC I/O ADBasic I/O AD to Basic I/O AD RS-422 RS-422 Basic I/O AD-To-BASIC I/O ADBasic I/O AD to Basic I/O AD RS-485 RS-485 Basic I/O AD to Basic I/O ADInstalling the I/O modules Basic I/O AD Module Placement WorksheetModule Wiring Analog Inputs 11 AC current and voltage wiring12 Analog Voltage, frequency and Current input Wiring 14 Analog Voltage and Current Output Wiring 15 Digital Input Wiring 16 Digital output wiring Setup Chassis SetupOffset Mode Function addressesVariable Mode Baud Rates Changing Setup Parameters Via Pushbutton Communication Verification Hardware error codes Vol.2 Index Vol.2 Index