SCENARIO #3: Your Bluetooth Devices folder has no access points.
(a)When you tap Bluetooth LAN Access, the mobile computer will automatically begin to search for new Bluetooth devices.
Note: You can also start the device search by tapping Find in the Bluetooth Devices screen. See Scenario #2 on the previous page.
(b)After the search is complete, select the access point you wish to connect to. Tap Select. If the access point is not listed, tap Refresh to search again.
If you would like to save the new access point to your Bluetooth Devices manager, check Save selection for future use.
(c)After you tap Select, a service discovery phase will begin.
(d)If the LAN requires a Passkey, a screen will appear, asking for the Passkey. Enter the passkey, then tap ok.
(e)After a successful connection is made, the screen will report