Receive Contact or File
1.Tap on the Bluetooth icon. In the
2.The Receive Contact or File status screen will appear. Your mobile computer will wait two minutes for the contact or file.
3.After successfully connecting to the remote device, the screen will report Connected then disappear. The new contact or file should now be on your device.
4.If two minutes passes before you receive the item, tap Wait Again.
5.After you receive the file or contact, the “Receive Contact or File” feature is automatically disabled.
Enable File Sharing
1.Tap on the Bluetooth icon. In the
2.The Enable File Sharing status screen will appear. Your mobile computer will wait two minutes for the remote device to connect.
3.After successfully connecting to the remote device, the screen will report Connected.
4.If two minutes passes before you connect, tap Wait Again.
5.File sharing will be enabled until you end it by tapping Cancel.