BCT8 8/13/03 5:13 PM Page 5
In a trunked radio system the frequencies are shared among the police and fire departments and a computer systematically assigns available frequencies when they are needed for communications.
Sharing of the available public service frequencies, or trunking, allows cities, counties, or other agencies to accommodate hundreds of users with relatively few frequencies. Following a conversation on a trunked system using a scanner is difficult, if not impossible. Because when there's a short break during the conversation you're monitoring, it’s possible that the talkgroup will be assigned to a completely different frequency in the trunked system. This type of scanning is difficult and frustrating.
TrunkTracker Technology changes this! Not only does your new BCT8 scan channels like a conventional scanner, it actually follows the users of a trunked radio system. Once you know a talkgroups ID, you won’t miss any of the action.
If you're a new scanner enthusiast, you may want to read the first part of this manual and use your scanner in conventional mode before you begin trunk tracking. Understanding scanning fundamentals and its terminology will make trunk tracking much easier.