1. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the VPM-6248T USB 2.0
5.25-inch External Enclosure with MobileRACK. Enabling portability and high-speed USB 2.0 interface compatibility with IDE and ATAPI devices, the VPM-6248T is the perfect solution for data backup, transporting data, and adding more storage space to USB-equipped computers.
Its hot-swapping and Plug-n-Play features give you a great convenience on the road, where it can be connected and disconnected without powering down your system. It is USB 2.0/1.1 compatible and works with any USB-equipped PC, notebook or Mac computer.
The VPM-6248T USB 2.0 5.25-inch External Enclosure is factory configured with a MobileRACK. It enables convenient, portable, hot-swapping of any 3.5-inch IDE or ATAPI device (mounted in the MobileRACK drive tray) to interface with any USB-equipped computer.
In order to reach USB 2.0 480 Mbps speed, your computer must have a host adapter card with USB 2. 0 support. The VPM-6248T will auto detect the speed of your USB port and adjust between USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 speed.
1-1 Features and Specifications
VPM-6248T External Enclosure
•Provides a high-speed serial data connection between IDE devices and USB 2.0 equipped computers
•Fully compatible with both USB 2.0 and USB 1.1 standard specifications
•Compatible with 5.25-inch IDE devices and all ViPowER VP-10 and VP-410 series MobileRACKs