Wireless Communications with Bluetooth™
Bluetooth is a worldwide standard for the exchange of data between two devices via radio frequencies. Bluetooth radios are relatively low powered to help prevent interference with other devices running at similar radio frequencies. This limits the range of a Bluetooth device to about 10 meters (32 feet).
Both the printer and the device it communicates with must fol- low the Bluetooth standard. Only one of the radio options can be installed in the printer at one time and the antenna used for these transmitters must not be
Bluetooth Networking Overview
Each Bluetooth enabled MZ series printer is identified by a unique Bluetooth Device Address (BDA) loaded into the printer when manufactured. In order to exchange data, two Bluetooth enabled devices must establish a connection.
Bluetooth software is always running in the background, ready to respond to connection requests. One device (known as the master) must request a connection with another. The second device (the slave) then accepts or rejects the connec- tion. A Bluetooth enabled MZ series printer will normally act as a slave creating a miniature network with the terminal sometimes referred to as a “piconet.”.
For the most part, communications using the Bluetooth pro- tocol are initiated and processed without any operator inter- vention.
MZ Series User Guide