^RT – Read Tag
The format for the ^RT instruction is: ^RT#,b,n,f,r,m,s
^RT = Read Tag command
#= Number to be assigned to the Field Default value: 0
Other Values: 1 to 9999
b = Starting Block Number Default value: 0
Other values: 1 to n, where n is the maximum number of blocks for the tag
n = Number of blocks to read Default value: 1
Other values: 2 to n, where n is maximum number of blocks minus starting block number. In other words, if the tag has 8 blocks (starting with block 0) and you’re starting with block 6, n can be 2. This would give you block 6 and block 7 information.
f = Format
Default value: 0 ASCII
Other values: 1 Hexadecimal
r = Retries
Default value: 0
Other values: 1 to 10, number of retries
m = motion
Default value: 0 (Feed label after writing)
Other value: 1 (No Feed after writing, other ZPL may cause a feed)
s = Special Mode Default value: 0
Other values: 1 to 255, to specify more detailed mode control.