Home Cinema Power Control Software Instructions (continued)
1. Battery Level: Displays the
current charge on the battery. The indicator will display a red color when a power failure occurs.
2.Input Voltage: Shows the current input voltage. The input normally appears in green, but will turn red if the input voltage is lower than 85v or higher than 150v.
3. Output Voltage: Shows the output voltage of the UPS.
4.Load Level: Shows the % of capacity that is currently being used. If the load level exceeds 90%, the indicator will change to a red color.
10. Frequency:
This indicator displays the frequency of the utility power.
9. Scheduled On:
The Home Cinema Power Control software can be scheduled to turn your connected equipment on. It can only be set when a Scheduled Off is also set. Scheduled On settings that are set to occur with- in seven days will be dis- played.
8.Countdown: For use with a Home Theater PC. When the program detects that the utility voltage is below 88 volts or above 147 volts, the countdown will begin. When the countdown reaches zero, the program will save and close any open applications, and then shut down the operating system in an intelligent and orderly manner.
7.Approximate Backup Time: Indicates the approximate amount of backup time that is available, based upon the battery capacity and the load on the system. This indicator can appear in red, yellow, or green, depending upon the number of minutes available.
5. Temperature:
Displays the internal oper- ating temperature of the unit. If the temperature exceeds 158°F (70°C), the indicator will change from green to red.
6. Scheduled Off:
The program can be set to automatically shutdown the system at a user specified time. Scheduled Off settings that are set to occur within seven days will be displayed. When combined with the Scheduled On function, connected equipment can automatically be rebooted.
12.Time between power failure and shutdown: For use with
an HTPC. This is the user controllable delay between when the power fails and the software starts the shutdown process. If unchecked, the unit will run on battery until the low battery signal is received (2 minutes of backup time remaining) and then start the shutdown process.
11.Time between power failure and initial warning:
Sets the time delay between a power failure and the first audible alarm.
1.Play voice: Enables audi- ble voice messages through your computer speakers. A sound card and speakers are required.
2. Alarm On: Toggles | 3. UPS Communication Media: Leave this on “Auto” for auto- |
the audible alarm on and off. | matic detection or select the correct communications port from the drop- |
| down list. The port assigned to the UPS needs to be used exclusively for |
| the UPS software. |
| 4. OK: Closes the |
| window and saves |
| changes. |
| 5. Cancel: Closes |
| the window without |
| saving changes. |
| 6. Default: |
| Returns the software |
| to original factory |
| settings. |
| 7. Advanced: |
| Opens the Advanced |
| Setup Window. |
10. Delay between warning messages:
Sets the delay between the audible alarms (during a power failure).
8.About: This button will dis- play information about the software, as well as contact information.
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| USA & Canada (800) |