Epson Photo750 manual Roller Assembly, LD Left/Right Removal, Roller Assembly, LD Removal

Page 72

EPSON Stylus Photo 750

Revision A Roller Assembly, LD Left/Right Removal

1.Remove “ASF, Assembly”. (See “ASF, Assembly Removal” on page -65)

2.Remove right and left “Compression Spring, 1.66” from the back of “Hopper, Assembly”.

3.Pull out the cam part of “Hopper, Assembly” through the hole of the right frame of “Paper Feed, Roller Assembly, Right”. This will separate “Paper Feed, Roller Assembly” and “Hopper, Assembly”.

4.Unlock “Roller Assembly, LD” from the assembly frame and remove “Cover, Roller, LD” by unhooking it from the assembly frame. Then, remove “Roller Assembly, LD”.

CH E When installing “Roller Assembly, LD”, make sure

P O I that it is hooked to the assembly frame firmly.

Before re-assemble the unit, make sure that “Compression Spring, 1.66” is set on the assembly frame and hooked to the hooks as it is shown in the figure. This helps you easier assembly. After assembling the unit, do not forget to unhook the springs by rotating the spring from the holes located at the back of the ASF assembly.

C O V E R , R O L L E R , L D ( L / R )




H O L D E R , S H E E T , P F

R O L L E R , A S S E M B L Y , L D ( L / R )


S e t t h e s p r i





g a n d h o o k it











t o t h e a s s e m





ly f r a m e





a s












illu s t r a t e d , b


e f o r e r e

- a s s e


b ly






































































Figure 4-18. “Roller Assembly, LD” Removal

Disassembly and Assembly



Image 72
Contents 659,&#0$18$ General Notice Precautions About This Manual Revision Status Table of Contents Maintenance Product Description General Characteristics Overview„ Holds 10 transparency films Raster Graphics Mode General DescriptionPrinting Printing SpeedPaper Specification Paper Feeding„ No curled, wrinkled, scuffing or torn paper be used Printable Area Paper Left Right Top BottomWidth Length Margin Typ Min Adjust Lever Settings Setting Position of Adjust LeverPaper Lever position Adjustment Value EnvelopeEnvironmental Conditions Environmental ConditionInk Cartridge Black Ink CartridgeColor Ink Cartridge Electric Specification Safety ApprovalsInput Data Buffer ReliabilityCE Marking Printer Language and Emulation14.1 ESC/P Control Codes „ Dot size control ESC e „ Raster header ESC D „ Raster body Connector pin assignment and signals Parallel InterfaceParallel InterfaceForward channel Parallel I/FPin Signal Return In/Out Function Description Name GND pin Parallel InterfaceReverse channelConnect pin assignment and signals Xflag OutParallel I/F Mode Typical time of tack 10. Typical Time of Tack12. Connector pin assignment and signals Serial Interface11. Serial interface 13. X-ON/X-OFF, DTR protocol14. Connector pin assignment and signals Pin Signal Name Out Function DescriptionUSBUniversal Serial Bus Interface Prevention of data transfer time-out on Host Interface selectionIeee 1284.4 protocol Bi-directional Command SwitchesFunction Control CodeSpecial Setting Mode 18. Special setting modeLED Indications 17. Status printingErrors Indicators19. Printer Status displayed on the control panel Ink Out Paper Out Priority Black Color„ When you need to perform test print after the repair InitializationInitialization Setting Physical SpecificationConsumables and options 20. ConsumablesClassification Name Operating Principles Printer Mechanism Printer MechanismEpson Stylus Photo Revision a 1 C257 PSB Power Supply Circuit Operating Principles of Electric CircuitOutput Voltage Voltage UsageTRANST1 2 C259 Main Control Circuit Major ElementsMajor Elements Location FunctionReset Circuit Reset CircuitSensor Circuit Sensor CircuitTimer Circuit Eeprom Control CircuitHead Drive Circuit Paper Feed Pump Motor PF/Pump Motor Drive Circuit Paper Feed Pump Motor Drive CircuitCarriage MotorCR Motor Drive Circuit 10. Carriage Motor Drive CircuitTroubleshooting Check Point Signal Level Switch Mode Sensor Check PointMotor, Coil Resistance Motor Location Check Point ResistanceError Indication LED Indication Condition RemedyPaper Ink End Check Black Color Unit Level Troubleshooting Symptoms and Corresponding Flow ChartSymptom Cause Flow Chart E c k t h e Error S s a g e . R e f e r t o T a b le 3 A R T Unit Repair Power Supply Board Repair of the Power Supply BoardSympto Condition Cause Check point Solution Repair of the Control Board Repair of the Control BoardEpson Stylus Photo Revision a Symptom Condition Cause Check Point Solution Unit Repair Printer Mechanism10. Repair of the Printer Mechanism 11. Repair of the Printer Mechanism12. Repair of the Printing Mechanism 13. Repair of the Printing Mechanism14. Repair of the Printer Mechanism 15. Repair of the Printer MechanismDisassembly and Assembly Precautions ToolsName Supplier Parts No Phillips Screw Driver Work Completion Check Check ListClassifi Check Point Status Cation Disassembly Flowchart below shows step-by step disassembly proceduresHousing Removal Housing RemovalCircuit Boards Removal Shield Plate, M/B RemovalE P O Control Panel Removal Control Panel RemovalAbsorber Tray, AssemblyA Removal Absorber Tray, AssemblyA RemovalPrinter Mechanism Removal Print Head RemovalE „ Be sure that the grounding plate is installed to Print Head InstallationPump, Assembly/Cap, Assembly Removal „ Be careful not to damage the rubber part of the cap11. Ink Tube Motor, Assembly, CR Removal Bi-D adjustment. See Bi-D Adjustment onMotor Assembly PF Removal 15. Motor, Assembly, PF Installation5.5 ASF, Assembly Removal Paper Feed Roller Assembly Removal E „ When removing or installing the HopperRoller Assembly, LD Left/Right Removal 18. Roller Assembly, LD RemovalCarriage Assembly Removal 19. Bush Parallel Adjust Removal20. Carriage Assembly Removal PE Sensor Assembly Removal 21. PE Sensor Assembly RemovalRoller, Assembly, PF Removal 23. Roller, Assembly, Paper Exit Removal24. Roller, Assembly, PF Removal HP Sensor Removal 25. HP Sensor RemovalCartridge SensorSensor, I/C Removal 26. Bush Holder, Sensor, I/C Removal29. Sensor, I/C Removal Adjustment Required Adjustment Required AdjustmentAdjustment Paper Gap Adjustment„ Do not scratch special coated surface of the PF Epson Stylus Photo Revision B Adjustment by Adjustment Program Adjustment ProgramHow to use the Adjustment Program „ You have to go through the menu to inputOptions in the Program and Keys to Use Setting Destination Information Head Voltage ID Adjustment Head Angular Adjustment Screw position for fixing the print headMagnetized condition when the printer has been left Adjustment, the following screen will be appearedU Preventing from the CR motor fall into the non Alone more then 5 minutes in the Head AngulerBi-D Adjustment Bi-D Adjustment Pattern SampleHead Cleaning Initial Ink Charge Protect Counter Reset Counter Value for Ink AbsorberProtect Counter Value Maintenance Cleaning Service Maintenance„ Never use chemical solvents, such as thinner, to Lubrication „ Never use oil and the grease other than thoseLubrication Point Type Name Epson Code SupplierASF A R , 2 3 V e r a p p l y t h e o i l Appendix Connector Summary Connector Summary for C259MainConnector CN4 Major Component UnitConnector CN5 Connector CN6Connector CN7 Connector CN8Connector CN10 10. Connector CN11Component Layout C259 Main Component LayoutAppendix Component Layout 101 Exploded Diagram Exploded Diagram-1Exploded Diagram for Epson Stylus Photo 750 2/3 Exploded Diagram for Epson Stylus Photo 750 3/3 Electric Circuit Page Page