Chapter 4: Advanced Configuration
Administration Tasks
Changing the System Date and Time
The device keeps a record of the current date and time, which it uses to calculate and report various performance data.
1.Select Home. The System View page displays.
2.Click [Modify] to change the date and time as required.
3.Click [Apply]. A page displays to confirm the change.
4.Click [Close] to return to the System View page.
5.Select Admin > Commit & Reboot and click [Save] to save your changes to permanent storage.
User Configuration
Changing Your Login Password
The first time you log into the Configuration Manager, you use the default user ID and password (admin and admin).
To change the password:
1.Select Admin > User Config. The User Configuration page displays.
2.Select for the entry to modify. The User Config - Modify page displays.
3.Type your current password in the Old Password text box.
4.Type the new password in the New Password text box and again in the Confirm New text box. The password can be up to eight ASCII characters long and is case sensitive.
5.Click [Apply]. A page displays to confirm the change.
6.Click [Close] to return to the User Configuration page.
7.Select Admin > Commit & Reboot and click [Save] to save your changes to permanent storage.
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