6.3.11 Bit Map Font Data Command [ESC] RC
Provides data for the bit map font row.
c [ESC] RCaaa; bbb | bbb [LF] [NUL] |
dLink Field Data Command
[ESC] RC; ccc | ccc [LF] ddd | ddd [LF] | [LF] xxx | xxx [LF] [NUL] |
aaa:Character string number
000 to 199 (Two digits, 00 to 99, also acceptable.)
(Max. 127 digits when the font type is 51, 52, 53, 54, or 55.) Any excess data will be discarded.
For the character codes, refer to the character code table to be given later in this specification.
(1)Link field data string
Refer to
•After the link field No. is designated in the Format Command, data strings are linked using the Link Field Data Command to draw an image.
•Up to 255 digits of data strings can be linked. However, when the font type is 51, 52, 53, 54, or 55, only up to 127 digits can be linked.
When the number of digits exceeds the maximum value, excess data will be discarded.
•Up to 99 data strings can be linked.
•Up to 2048 bytes can be used as the command length ([ESC] to [NUL]) of the Link Field Data Command.
•When the data string is omitted in the Link Field Data Command, the following process is performed:
cNo process will be performed for the field which contains no print data due to the omission.
dWhen the field partially loses print data due to the omission, the only remaining data will be processed as print data.
•The Link Field Data Command can be used for the bit map font fields, outline font fields, and bar code fields.
(The same result is obtained when any of the “RC,” “RV”, or “RB” command code is designated.)
Bit Map Font Format Command ([ESC] PC)
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