2 Set up the DNS Session to be available the services that use the DNS name with a DNS server.
The DNS Session should be configured when this equipment accesses the services, servers, and client computers using the DNS names instead of IP addresses.
ySetup Guide for Printing Functions
10 TopAccess ADMINISTRATION TAB PAGE - SETUP MENU (Printing Function) Setting up Network Settings (Printing Function)
Setting up the DNS session
3 Set up the DDNS Session if required.
If the DNS server supports the dynamic DNS service, please configure the DDNS Session to enable the dynamic DNS service.
ySetup Guide for Printing Functions
10 TopAccess ADMINISTRATION TAB PAGE - SETUP MENU (Printing Function) Setting up Network Settings (Printing Function)
Setting up the DDNS session
4 Set up the IPP Print Service.
ySetup Guide for Printing Functions
10 TopAccess ADMINISTRATION TAB PAGE - SETUP MENU (Printing Function) Setting up Print Service Settings (Printing Function)
Setting up the IPP print
5 Install the Client Software for IPP printing.
yPrinting Guide
2 INSTALLING CLIENT SOFTWARE Installing Client Software for Windows
Installing client software for IPP printing
16 Setup Flow for Printing Features