Printing via print server in a Windows operating system environment:
No. | Check Item | Yes | No | Countermeasure |
1 | Are the IP Address proper- | Next Step | Ö | Set up the IP address correctly. |
| ties correctly set? | Ø |
| |
| ||
2 | Is the Raw TCP Printing | Next Step | Ö | Set up the Raw TCP print service |
| correctly set? | Ø | correctly. | |
| |||
3 | Is the LPR/LPD Printing cor- | Next Step | Ö | Set up the LPD print service cor- |
| rectly set? | Ø | rectly. | |
| |||
4 | Were the proper printer driv- | Next Step | Ö | See the Printing Guide to install |
| ers installed? | Ø | proper printer drivers. | |
| |||
5 | Is the Raw TCP or LPR port | Next Step |
| See the Printing Guide to config- |
| configured with correct IP | Ö | ure the proper port. | |
| Ø | |||
| address? |
| |
| |
6 | Is the Windows print server |
| Set up the Windows print server |
| correctly set? | Next Step | Ö | correctly. |
| Ø | P.33 “Configuring the Win- | |
| ||
| dows print server” |
7 | Can you print to this equip- |
| Refer to the following section to |
| ment? | End | Ö | troubleshoot the condition. |
| P.55 “Cannot print data to this | ||
| |
| equipment” |
46 Network Setting Checklists