Enable DHCP Server: This variable is to assign the IP address for the devices connected to LAN port of the VoIP Router.
IP Pool Starting Address: Enter the starting IP address for the DHCP server's IP assignment.
IP Pool Ending Address: Enter the ending IP address for the DHCP server's IP assignment.
IP Pool Uses Other Default Gw: Check the box to assign different default gateway for DHCP clients.
IP Pool Default Gateway: Enter the new default gateway that is different from LAN IP of the VoIP Router.
IP Pool Subnet mask: Enter the new subnet mask.
Lease Time: Enter the length of time for the IP lease.
Domain Name Server Assignment: Select Auto or Manual to get the IP address of Domain Name Server assigned by ISP or manually.
Domain Name Server IP: Enter the primary and secondary IP address of Domain Name Server if Domain Name Server Assignment is Manual. Otherwise, the VoIP Router will not be able to access hosts using hostnames instead of IPs.