SETUP → VoIP Setup
Outbound Proxy Support: Check the box to send all SIP packets to the destined outbound proxy server. An outbound proxy server handles SIP call signaling as a standard SIP proxy server would do. Further, it receives and transmits phone conversation traffic (media) between two communication parties. This option tells the VoIP Router to send and receive all SIP packets to the destined outbound proxy server rather than the remote VoIP device. This helps VoIP calls to pass through any NAT protected network without additional settings or techniques. Please make sure your VoIP Service Provider supports outbound proxy services before you enable it.
Outbound Proxy IP/Domain: Enter the outbound proxy’s IP address or URL.
Outbound Proxy Port: Enter the outbound proxy’s listening port.
SETUP → VoIP Setup
Privacy Type: It is used to disguise the caller ID when queried via an