Session Expiration: This field will set the time that the VoIP Router will allow a SIP session to remain die (without traffic) before dropping it.
Session Refresh Request: Select UPDATE or
Session Refresher: This determines which side of an expired call session will initiate the session refresh. uac – specifies that the Caller side will initiate the session refresh. uas – specifies that the Call receiver (the “Callee”) will initiate the session refresh.
ADVANCED → VoIP → SIP Advanced
SIP Message Resend Timer Base: Select the resend timer base from the
Max. Response Time for Invite: Enter the maximum response time for INVITE packet. When the destination does not reply within the set time, the call is failed.
ADVANCED → VoIP → SIP Advanced
VoIP failure announcement: Check the box to play a voice announcement if the VoIP Router fails to register to the SIP proxy server while FXS is