Beyond the Basics
to see if the ID is stored in the associated ID list. In Closed Mode, the scanner only stops on the transmission and displays it’s text tag if the ID is stored and not locked out. In Open Mode, the scanner stops on all transmissions except those you specifically lock out, and the ID’s text tag appears if the ID is stored.
AM Mode (AM) – sets the scanner to receive amplitude modulation (AM) transmissions. AM is primarily used for aircraft, military, 27 MHz citizen’s band, some amateur radio, and some government transmissions.
FM/Digital Mode (FM) – sets the scanner to receive FM/Digital (FM) transmissions using frequency modulation (FM) and
CTCSS Mode (CT) – sets the scanner to receive transmissions using frequency modulation (FM) with Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) subaudible tone codes. CTCSS allows multiple users to share a single radio frequency without hearing each other’s transmissions.
DCS Mode (DC) – sets the scanner to receive transmissions using frequency modulation (FM) with Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) subaudible data signaling.