Paper loading
Place the document to be scanned face down on the scanning glass. Books, magazines and other
Paper size
Thescannerwillhandledocumentsranginginsizefromthatofapostage stamptoalettersizedocument(8.5"x11”),andA4(8.5”x11.7”).
Paper condition
If the sheet to be scanned has any of the following conditions, please takethefollowingprecautionsbeforeinserting.
•Remove paper clips, pins or staples
•Avoid scanning documents with correction fluid (dry or otherwise)
This avoids scratching or marring the scanning glass, and ensures yearsofbeautifulscans.
Software controls
The Info Technician loads a
Scanningisinitiatedfromwithintheapplicationsoftware.Allscanning activitiesarecontrolledfromtheuserinterfacewindowtitledFlatbed Scanner. The Flatbed Scanner window’s