The Info Technician
TheInfoTechnicianisanautomaticinstallationutilitythateditsand installs the scanner’s device and TWAIN drivers. These drivers provide the link between the scanning hardware, the scanning application, and the computer’s operating system.
Installing the device driver
Run the Info Technician to install the scanner drivers. To do so:
1.Place the Info Scanner System Software
2.Typed:\install\setup at the command line (substitute the appropriate drive letter if the
3.Select the Scanner Driver: Click on the picture displaying the Image Reader Express scanner.
4.ClickOKtoinstalltheTWAINdriverinthe“c”driveor substitutetheappropriatedriveletterforthedrivethat contains the Windows directory. The screen will inform you that the Installation was Successful. ClickContinue to begintheInfoCentersoftwareinstallation(Figure2.1).