Contacting Allied Telesyn
This section provides Allied Telesyn contact information for technical support as well as sales or corporate information.
Online Support You can request technical support online by accessing the Allied Telesyn
Knowledge Base from the following web site at www.kb.alliedtelesyn.com. You can use the Knowledge Base to submit questions to our technical support staff and review answers to previously asked questions.
Returning Products
For Sales or Corporate Information
Tell Us What You Think
For Technical Support via
Products for return or repair must first be assigned a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. A product sent to Allied Telesyn without a RMA number will be returned to the sender at the sender’s expense.
To obtain a RMA number, contact Allied Telesyn’s Technical Support at our web site at www.alliedtelesyn.com
You can contact Allied Telesyn for sales or corporate information at our web site at www.alliedtelesyn.com. To find the contact information for your country, select “Contact Us” then “Worldwide Contacts”.
New releases of management software for our managed products can be downloaded from either of the following Internet sites:
❑Allied Telesyn web site: www.alliedtelesyn.com
❑Allied Telesyn FTP server: ftp://ftp.alliedtelesyn.com
If you would prefer to download new software from the Allied Telesyn FTP server from your workstation’s command prompt, you will need FTP client software and you will be asked to log in to the server. Enter ‘anonymous’ as the user name and your
If you have any comments or suggestions on how we might improve this or other Allied Telesyn documents, please fill out the General Enquiry Form online. This form can be accessed by selecting “Contact Us” from www.alliedtelesyn.com.