Solving EPS Problems 29
Table 6 Solving EPS Problems (continued)
Problem | Possible Cause | Suggested Action |
| The device was | ■ If the cables do not appear to be a |
| connected too | problem, and pins 4, 5, 7, and 8 are |
| soon after being | not grounded, the end device may |
| disconnected. | have been plugged in too soon after |
| being unplugged, which can result |
| in the device appearing to the EPS |
| as a nonpowered device. Unplug |
| the device cable from the EPS port, |
| wait for 15 seconds, and then plug |
| it back in. This pause gives the |
| electronic circuits in the device time |
| to fully discharge. |
If none of these procedures identifies the problem, contact an authorized 3Com service representative for additional assistance.