Chapter 4 Using Advanced Setup
If a computer on the network uses Netmeeting, enable Netmeeting by clicking the circle next to “On” and entering the IP address of the computer. Click Next, then click Save and Restart to apply the settings. If Netmeeting is not needed, click the circle next to “Off.”
☞Note: Netmeeting is used for NAT/Private IP addressing only. If the computer is configured for Unnumbered Mode and has a public IP address, Netmeeting does not have to be enabled.
Website Blocking
Selecting Website Blocking in the “Configuring the Advanced Settings” screen generates the “Website Blocking” screen. This feature enables the Modem to block Web sites to all computers on the network. To block a Web site, enter the address of the Web site in the “Website” text box and click Add. The blocked Web site address is displayed in the “Blocked Website List” text box, and will not be avail- able to computers on the network. To remove a blocked Web site, click on it in the “Blocked Website List,” then click Remove. Website Blocking supports blocking up to 50 Web sites.