Installing VolServ
Are you installing from CDROM (<y> or n)? y
Is your intended response (<y> or n)? y
Enter remote CDROM device path (e.g. /cdrom/volserv)<>
Ready to install/update the necessary VolServ files
Do you wish to install/update the VolServ files now (<y> or n)? y
Step 4. Either accept the default volserv installation directory or enter a new path.
For this example, the default is used. Therefore, the directory where the VolServ executables and support files reside is /volserv.
VolServ creates the volserv subdirectory in the
/(root) directory.
When the environmental variables are set in the VS_DIR environment, variables should be set to the full pathname created in this step; for example, /volserv.
When prompted for the installation directory, remember that “/volserv” is appended to your response.
For example, if you choose “/usr/local” then /usr/local/volserv is used as the installation directory.
The directory you specify must already exist, because the installation script will only create the appropriate
Procedures | Installation |
601351 Rev A | Installation Procedures |