The PC won’t boot into the correct graphics mode
The extender includes DDC emulation for all standard resolutions and there should not normally be any issues.
Contact Technical Support if you have problems selecting your required graphics mode.
Can the extender be used with RGB video?
The audio is very quiet.
The audio I/O is
The audio is loud but distorted.
Check that the audio input is not greater than line level (4V
The microphone output is barely audible.
See Appendix D: Audio/Serial Ports, page 47.
My serial device does not function.
The extender supports serial devices at data rates not exceeding 19.2K Baud (although 38.4K operation might be possible with certain equipment).
Check the type of flow control used by the device and CPU. The extender supports RTS, CTS, DTR, and DSR. Some systems may require a wiring adapter to transfer RI and DCD.
Attach the device directly to the serial port on the PC and test whether the problem is a PC or extender problem.
Some serial devices cannot be