Mitsubishi Electronics MDT521S user manual Remote control numbering function

Page 35

To use a computer to control the monitors

When using a computer to control the monitors, you must prepare an application software program for control by yourself.

1.Connect the RS-232C IN connector of the Master monitor shown above and the RS-232C connector of the computer using an RS-232C cable.

Or, using a CAT5 cable, connect the RS-232C connector of the computer to the CAT5 IN connector of the Master monitor via the CAT5-TX box.

2.Assign a monitor ID to each multi-connected MDT521S using MONITOR ID. (See step 2 above.)

3.Set AUTO BRIGHTNESS on the OSD screen (PICTURE) as follows.




Master monitor



Slave monitors



￿￿￿or t￿e ￿se o￿ ￿omm￿ni￿ation ￿omman￿s￿ ￿onta￿t ￿o￿r ￿ealer￿

< Remote control numbering function >

B￿ ￿onne￿tin￿ m￿lti￿le MDT￿￿￿S monitors ￿sin￿ RS￿￿￿￿C ￿a￿les￿ ￿o￿ ￿an ￿ontr ol an￿ one monitor or all t￿e monitors ￿￿ one remote ￿ontroller￿

￿￿Assi￿n ar￿itrar￿ ID n￿m￿er to ea￿￿ o￿ m￿lti￿￿onne￿te￿ MDT￿￿￿S monitors ￿sin￿ MONITOR ID￿ ID n￿m￿ers ￿ to ￿ ￿ are sele￿ta￿le￿

It is re￿ommen￿e￿ to assi￿n se ￿￿ential ID n￿m￿ers ￿rom ￿ an￿ ￿￿￿

￿￿T￿e remote ￿ontrol mo￿e o￿ t￿e ￿ rst MDT￿￿￿S monitor is set to ￿RIMAR Y an￿ t￿ose o￿ t￿e ot￿er monitors are set to


￿￿ ￿￿en ￿o￿ ￿ire￿t t￿e remote ￿ontroller at t￿e remote ￿ontrol si￿nal sensor o￿ t￿e ￿RIMARY monitor an￿ ￿r ess t￿e DIS￿ LAY ￿￿tton on t￿e remote ￿ontroller ￿ t￿e ID sele￿tion OSD a￿￿ears at t￿e ￿￿￿er le￿t o￿ t￿e s￿reen￿


ID No. :2

ID number of the currently viewed monitor

Select the ID number of the monitor you want to control using the +/- button on the remote controller.

The ID of the monitor you want to control is displayed at the upper left of its screen. By selecting ALL, you can control all the multi-connected monitors.

￿￿Dire￿t t￿e remote ￿ontroller at t￿e remote ￿ontrol si￿nal sensor o￿ t￿e ￿RIMARY monitor￿ OSD a￿￿ears on t￿e monitor ￿avin￿ t￿e ID n￿m￿er ￿o￿ sele￿te￿￿


￿￿en t￿e ID sele￿tion OSD is ￿ein￿ ￿is￿la￿e￿ on t￿e ￿RIMAR Y monitor￿ ￿ress t￿e DIS￿ LAY ￿￿tton on t￿e remote ￿ontroller a￿ain to ￿an￿el t￿e ID sele￿tion OSD an￿ t￿en ￿ontrol t￿e monitor ￿o￿ sele￿te￿￿


I￿ ￿o￿ set t￿e remote ￿ontrol mo￿e ￿ron￿l￿ an￿ remote ￿ontrol o￿er ation ￿e￿omes ￿navaila￿le￿ ￿ress an￿ ￿￿tton on t￿e ￿ontrol ￿anel o￿ t￿e monitor to ￿is￿la￿ t￿e OSD s￿r een an￿ ￿￿an￿e t￿e remote ￿ontrol mo￿e ￿sin￿ AD ￿ANCED O￿TION￿ B￿ ￿ressin￿ an￿ ￿ol￿in￿ ￿o￿n t￿e DIS￿ LAY ￿￿tton on t￿e remote ￿ontrol ￿or ￿ se￿on￿s or lon￿er ￿ t￿e remote ￿ontrol mo￿e is initiali￿e￿ to



Image 35
Contents LCD Display Monitor Index HOW to Setup ScheduleDeclaration of Conformity Important InformationDeclaration of the Manufacturer DeclarationErgonomics Recommended UseContents Parts Name and Functions Buttons, Switch, and IndicatorCAT5 input/output connectors modular con- nector 8 pin Connectors and TerminalsPicture Mode button Wireless Remote ControlCAT5 Tx BOX Operating Range for the Remote ControlHandling the remote control Setup Procedure Recommended Adjustment Adjust the soundAdjust the screen See pages Adjust the image SeeConnection of the CAT5 video connec- tion function When MDT521S is installed in portrait positionCAT5 video connection LandscapeCAT5 EQ Various settings involved in the CAT5 video connectionConnection to multiple monitors Allowable cable lengthTo avoid monitor from falling Upright position Lay the screen face downVentilation Requirements for enclosure mounting Hdmi Wiring DiagramConnections Before making connectionsConnect the LCD Monitor to a Personal Computer Connecting a Personal ComputerDVI-D Connecting with Digital Interface EquipmentConnect the LCD Monitor to a Computer with a Digital Output RCA DVI-D Hdmi Connect the LCD Monitor to a DVD PlayerBNC-RCA BNC Connecting to a VCR / Stereo AmplifierConnect the LCD Monitor to a VCR / Stereo Amplifier BNC RCAUsing the remote control Power on and OFF ModesPressing the Main Power Switch Pressing the power buttonAudio Source Switching Power IndicatorUsing Power Management Picture ModeVIDEOS, Video Information OSDRGB1, 2, 3, 4 DVD/HDOSD On-Screen-Display Controls Picture Front Sensor Select on for normal use Picture ResetAuto Brightness Screen PIP Picture in Picture AudioConfiguration RS485 Termination OFF TimerCAT5 Cable Length Serial ControlTiling Film ModeAdvanced Option IR ControlAdvanced Option Reset Power on DelayHdmi Input Mode DVI Input ModeRecommendations HOW to Setup ScheduleImage Persistence To control multiple monitors collectively PIP, POP and Side by SideSupplemental information of the auto brightness function To use a computer to control the monitors Remote control numbering functionInterface Control command diagramControl sequence Operation commandsRead command Features Troubleshooting No Sound Remote Control is not availableSCHEDULE/OFF Timer function is not working properly No Signal is displayed on the screenSpecifications MDT521S SpecificationsPin Assignment RXD TXD GND RTS CTS Mini DIN 4PGND Europe Mitsubishi Contact InformationNorth America