Film Instability, continued
•Gently squeeze the edges of the film between two fingers as it enters the reader, pull back slightly and allow your fingers to act as shock absorbers. Repeat on the exit side of the reader. If the LED stabilizes, try to find the source of instability. The following are possible sources of instability:
• | Poor reader alignment | • | Too much tension |
• | Bad rollers(s) | • | Bad platter center piece |
• | Bad projector belt, gear, or sprocket | • | Bent reel |
• | Too little tension | • | Reel clutch |
•Platter center piece spring removed
Electrical noise/grounding problems
•Electrical noise on the timecode input(s) can confuse the timecode reader circuit. This causes the LED to blink and, in some cases, cause sound wow, edits, and dropouts. First, make sure the projector(s) and the DTS chassis are earth grounded.
•The current reader cables (from the DTS factory) have a shield wire
•If you have made your own cable or modified the factory cable in any way, be sure the shield is connected to the conductive connector shells at both ends.
•Do not run the timecode cable along power lines, over florescent light fixtures, or near motor controllers.
•If the timecode
DTS equipment problem
•Readers without a “Do Not Adjust” sticker should be adjusted for maximum LED brightness. This is done by turning the lateral adjustment in the center of the biggest roller.
•Borrow a known good reader from another screen. If this fixes the problem, replace the reader.
•Check the timecode cable. Verify continuity and physical integrity.
•Check TCR firmware version inside the player. The TCR firmware IC is located at