Frequently Asked Questions
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Can I program a device button to execute more than one command?
No, you can’t. However, you can program a button on the macro side of the remote to execute a sequence of commands (see page 24).
How do I program source switching?
See “Programming device items” on page 16.
How can I edit, label or delete buttons on home panels?
You can do this via the Device menu items. All changes you make to these items are automatically updated in the Home menu.
How do I reset the RC9200/5200?
Normally, you never have to reset the RC9200/5200. However, if the RC9200/5200’s display freezes or if you notice unusual behavior, you might need to reset. You will not lose any saved programmed commands or macros.
Carefully press the reset button inside the battery compartment of the RC9200/5200 with a paperclip or sharp pencil. The RC9200/5200 restarts and beeps to indicate it is ready for use.
Can I revert to the original configuration?
Yes, by using a Windows PC with RCEdit Touch Screen Setup. Once the program is installed, open a ccf titled RC9200/5200_Default in C/:Program Files/RCEdit/Samples. Downloading this configuration to your RC9200/5200 will restore your RC9200/5200 to its factory state.
How can I free up more memory?
The default configuration of the RC9200/5200 takes up almost 1 megabyte of memory leaving approximately 200kb available for your programming. If you do not need the library of Marantz IR codes and the demonstrations of macro programming pre- programmed in the factory configuration, you can free up over 800kb of memory by using the REVERT feature. By using REVERT, you will delete the majority of Marantz RC codes and all of the pre- programmed example macros. The template files that remain after you revert will allow you to program any system by customizing the templates and teaching RC codes to the relabled template buttons (see page 60).