Harman 4800, 4820 user manual Utilities, Miscellaneous, Gains & Trims, Sample Rate

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Section 7















As stated earlier, the Utility menus contain many of the attributes of the DriveRack 4800 and 4820 devices. With the exception of Access Rights (which are stored manually), these attributes are stored instantly as they are changed. They are broken down into sub menus in both the GUI and on the unit. While these sub menus are different in their arrangement, all the same attributes are available. In this section we will follow the sub-menus in the order they appear in the DriveRack unit itself.

The Utilities menus in the DriveRack use Scroll Navigation, so an item can be selected from the menu by scrolling down to it, then pressing the Encoder Knob to select that item. Pressing the UTILITY button returns you to the main Utility menu.

7.1 - Miscellaneous

The first item on the menu when the UTILITY button is pressed is Miscellaneous. This contains the LCD Intensity and Front Panel Lock. The LCD Intensity changes the brightness of the VGA display. Front Panel Lock is a quick and easy way of locking out the entire front panel except for Mutes. To lock the front panel from this Utility menu, turn Encoder Knob #3. To unlock the front panel, press and hold the PRESET button for three seconds, and then press the Encoder Knobs in this order: #3, #2, #1.

7.2 - Gains & Trims

The Gains & Trims Menu has two pages. The first page contains the Analog Maximum Input and Output Levels and the RTA Mic Pre Gain. The Analog Maximum Input and Output Levels let you adjust the analog gain structure of the DriveRack 4800/4820. The values shown are the maximum input and output levels in dBu that the DriveRack will support. These attributes let you maximize the gain structure of the system by setting all the devices in the system so they clip at the same point. The DriveRack units come from the factory with the maximum input and output levels set to +22dBu. The RTA Mic Pre Gain deter- mines the amount of gain being supplied by the microphone preamp for the front panel RTA microphone input.

The second page of the Gains & Trims menu contains the Trim Minimum and Maximum controls, which let you set the maximum and minimum Trim amount available from the front panel. There is also a Trim Reset that resets the Trims back to 0dB. The Trims can be set in increments of 3dB from 0 to +/- 12dB. So you could have the Trims set up with a maximum amount of Trim boost of 3dB, but a maximum amount of Trim cut at 12dB (Trim Minimum of -12dB). It should be mentioned that Trims are meant to be used for situational corrections; they are not stored with a Preset. Trims Gain is done via DSP and is pre-limited. They give the ability to quickly adjust gain without having to make changes to a Preset or tuning. Trims are reset by either using the Trim Reset control in this Utility menu, or by recalling a Preset.

7.3 – Sample Rate

The Sample Rate menu has two pages and provides access to the clock source that the DriveRack 4800 and 4820 are using. The selections available within this menu include Internal 48 and 96kHz Clocks, AES/ EBU Channels 1,2 or 3,4, and External BNC Word Clock. Additionally the AES/EBU input channels can be sample rate converted to follow some other clock source. All processing within the 4800 and 4820 occurs at the sample rate selected in this menu. The AES/EBU outputs of the DriveRack devices are also clocked to this sample rate.



DriveRack® 4800/4820 User Manual



Image 74
Contents 4800/4820 Importantsafetyinstructions Important Safety Instructions Table of Contents DriveRackDriveRack DriveRack Features DriveRack 4800/4820 Features IntroductionDriveRackDriveRackIntroduction Service Contact Info WarrantyIntroductionDriveRack Front panel Getting Started Rear Panel 4800/4820 Getting Started Front PanelThreshold Meters Input Channel Select A-DOuput Channel Select RTA Input JackGettingStarted Mute Buttons System Architect FeaturesSystem Architect Control Software Recommended System Requirements InstallationMinimum System Requirements for System Architect are DriveRack Attributes DriveRack Philosophy DriveRack 4800/4820 Philosophy AttributesNavigation Front Panel Operation NavigationModes of Operation Return to Edit mode by pressing the Preset button DriveRack While in Edit mode press and hold the UTILITY/METER button DriveRack DriveRack Module view System Architect DriveRack 4800/4820 Philosophy Software Operation DriveRack PhilosophySystemArchitectDriveRack4800/4820FileStorage Module ViewSoftware Operation Device WindowDevice Edit Menu Device View FeaturesDevice File Menu Device Tools MenuDevice Help Menu Preset ToolDevice View Menu Meters Mutes and SolosVenue View Venue File MenuSoftwareGUI SoftwareOp rationOverview Venue View MenuVenue Insert Menu Venue Panel Menu Venue Tools MenuVenue Window Menu Venue Help MenuDriveRack Front panel Press and hold the RTA/LOAD button to load the preset UseDriveRack Store the name by pressing the STORE/DELETE button DriveRack GUI Operation DriveRack DriveRack Detailed Detailed Parameters Input MixerSelected Source Switch Detailed Parameters Input RouterFrequency switch EQ On/Off switchFlat/Restore switch Detailed Parameters Input Graphic EQDetailed Parameters Input 9-Band Parametric EQ Delay fader Detailed Parameters Input DelayDelay On/Off switch Units switchChannels A-D Master Mute switchDetailed Parameters Output Mixer Detailed Parameters Output Router Detailed Parameters OutputBandpassFilter/Crossover Detailed Parameters Output 6-Band Parametric EQ Detailed Parameters Output Delay Clear Live and Clear All buttons AFS On/Off switchMode switch Detector Highpass fader Type switchLive Filter Lift switch Sensitivity faderThreshold fader AGC On/Off switchDetailed Parameters Automatic Gain Control AGC Insert Target faderAttack fader Limiter Auto On/Off switchWindow fader Release faderAmount fader AutoWarmth On/Off switchDetailed Parameters AutoWarmth Insert OverEasy fader Compressor On/Off switchDetailed Parameters Compressor Insert Ratio faderAuto On/Off switch Hold faderFrequency fader De-Esser On/Off switchDetailed Parameters De-EsserInsert Width faderMax Attenuation fader Gate On/Off switchDetailed Parameters Noise Gate Detailed Parameters Limiter Insert Limiter On/Off switchPeakStopPlus On/Off switch PeakStopPlus Overshoot faderDetailed Parameters Notch On/Off switch Detailed Parameters Notch Filter InsertSubHarmonic Level fader SubHarmonic Synth On/Off switchDetailed Parameters SubHarmonic Synthesizer Insert 24-36Hz Level faderUtilities Gains & Trims UtilitiesMiscellaneous Sample RateUtilities Real Time Clock Access RightsPreset Range UsersDriveRack DriveRackAppendix Specifications AppendixDriveRackDriveRackAppendix Block Diagram Preset Table Crossover TableDigital I/O and Clocking Word Clock Termination Zone Controller Installation ZoneControllerWiringandInstallationZone Controller Wiring AppendixDriveRack GND ZC-4 Wiring Diagram Power-Up Button Functions Factory ResetFactory Reset Information Hard Factory ResetIP address Ethernet NetworkingOverview of TCP/IP Basics SubnetAssumptions Connecting the Computer Directly to the DriveRackDhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Setup of a Simple Isolated Ethernet Network Using Dhcp ProxyVirtual Private Networks VPN Network Considerations and LimitationsEthernet Link NetworkTroubleshootingSoftware Firewall Copyrights AppendixDriveRack DriveRackAppendix 18-0353-B