Harman user manual DriveRack Philosophy DriveRack 4800/4820 Philosophy, Attributes

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Section 2












DriveRack Philosophy



2.1 - DriveRack 4800/4820 Philosophy

The philosophy of the DriveRack 4800 and 4820 revolves around the concept of two elements: Attributes and Presets.


Attributes are parameters that are global like sample rate, analog I/O gain structure, or RTA microphone pre- amp gain. Most Attributes are found in the Utility menus. Depending on the function, Attributes are either stored instantly as they are changed or upon exiting the Utility menus, and are stored instantly as they are changed.


A Preset is the name given to the audio processing and routing that is occurring in the DriveRack 4800 or 4820. Up to 50 Presets can be stored in the DriveRack 4800 or 4820. The Preset can be further broken down into two parts: the signal path (or Configuration) and the actual Parameters (listed below) found in the individual processing functions or modules. Presets are stored manually in the DriveRack unit by either using the Store button on the front panel of the 4800 or by using the Preset Tool in the System Architect software. Presets for the DriveRack 4800 or 4820 can also be saved on the PC as a preset file.


The DriveRack 4800 and 4820 units offer two types of processing modules. The first type includes func- tions like EQ, Bandpass Filters, Mixers, Routers, and Delay; these functions can be linked together but are fixed in their positions. The second type includes insertable functions that can be selected from a list in four positions; this list includes Feedback Suppression, Compression, Noise Gate, Limiter, Notch Filter, Auto Gain Control, AutoWarmth, etc. The process of linking modules and selecting inserts is called Configuring. The 4800 and 4820 can be configured with hundreds of different signal routing and processing variations.


Parameters refers to the processing function parameters. Control of any parameter can be done via the front panel interface of the DriveRack 4800 with its Function and Channel buttons, or the System Architect software. Some parameters, such as output gain, can be adjusted from a ZC series wall panel controller.

System Architect Software / DriveRack Plug-In

The HiQnet System Architect Graphic User Interface application (referred to hereafter as System Architect or GUI) is the control software for the DriveRack 4800 and 4820. In addition to parameter adjustment and all the same control as the front panel of the 4800, System Architect provides the ability to control multiple units. The GUI can save and recall Preset files as well as a Device file that includes all the Presets and Attributes in the unit. Besides these files types, it can also store a venue file with all the units in the network. It can provide a wealth of additional utility like wireless control, grouping functions, custom control panels and more; see Software Operation in Section 4.



DriveRack® 4800/4820 User Manual



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Contents 4800/4820 Importantsafetyinstructions Important Safety Instructions Table of Contents DriveRackDriveRack DriveRack Features DriveRack 4800/4820 Features IntroductionDriveRackDriveRackIntroduction Service Contact Info WarrantyIntroductionDriveRack Front panel Getting Started Rear Panel 4800/4820 Getting Started Front PanelInput Channel Select A-D Ouput Channel SelectThreshold Meters RTA Input JackGettingStarted Mute Buttons System Architect FeaturesSystem Architect Control Software Recommended System Requirements InstallationMinimum System Requirements for System Architect are DriveRack Attributes DriveRack Philosophy DriveRack 4800/4820 Philosophy AttributesNavigation Front Panel Operation NavigationModes of Operation Return to Edit mode by pressing the Preset button DriveRack While in Edit mode press and hold the UTILITY/METER button DriveRack DriveRack Module view Software Operation DriveRack Philosophy SystemArchitectDriveRack4800/4820FileStorageSystem Architect DriveRack 4800/4820 Philosophy Module ViewSoftware Operation Device WindowDevice View Features Device File MenuDevice Edit Menu Device Tools MenuDevice Help Menu Preset ToolDevice View Menu Meters Mutes and SolosVenue View Venue File MenuSoftwareGUI SoftwareOp rationOverview Venue View MenuVenue Insert Menu Venue Panel Menu Venue Tools MenuVenue Window Menu Venue Help MenuDriveRack Front panel Press and hold the RTA/LOAD button to load the preset UseDriveRack Store the name by pressing the STORE/DELETE button DriveRack GUI Operation DriveRack DriveRack Detailed Detailed Parameters Input MixerSelected Source Switch Detailed Parameters Input RouterEQ On/Off switch Flat/Restore switchFrequency switch Detailed Parameters Input Graphic EQDetailed Parameters Input 9-Band Parametric EQ Detailed Parameters Input Delay Delay On/Off switchDelay fader Units switchChannels A-D Master Mute switchDetailed Parameters Output Mixer Detailed Parameters Output Router Detailed Parameters OutputBandpassFilter/Crossover Detailed Parameters Output 6-Band Parametric EQ Detailed Parameters Output Delay Clear Live and Clear All buttons AFS On/Off switchMode switch Type switch Live Filter Lift switchDetector Highpass fader Sensitivity faderAGC On/Off switch Detailed Parameters Automatic Gain Control AGC InsertThreshold fader Target faderLimiter Auto On/Off switch Window faderAttack fader Release faderAmount fader AutoWarmth On/Off switchDetailed Parameters AutoWarmth Insert Compressor On/Off switch Detailed Parameters Compressor InsertOverEasy fader Ratio faderAuto On/Off switch Hold faderDe-Esser On/Off switch Detailed Parameters De-EsserInsertFrequency fader Width faderMax Attenuation fader Gate On/Off switchDetailed Parameters Noise Gate Limiter On/Off switch PeakStopPlus On/Off switchDetailed Parameters Limiter Insert PeakStopPlus Overshoot faderDetailed Parameters Notch On/Off switch Detailed Parameters Notch Filter InsertSubHarmonic Synth On/Off switch Detailed Parameters SubHarmonic Synthesizer InsertSubHarmonic Level fader 24-36Hz Level faderUtilities Utilities MiscellaneousGains & Trims Sample RateAccess Rights Preset RangeUtilities Real Time Clock UsersDriveRack DriveRackAppendix Specifications AppendixDriveRackDriveRackAppendix Block Diagram Preset Table Crossover TableDigital I/O and Clocking Word Clock Termination Zone Controller Installation ZoneControllerWiringandInstallationZone Controller Wiring AppendixDriveRack GND ZC-4 Wiring Diagram Factory Reset Factory Reset InformationPower-Up Button Functions Hard Factory ResetEthernet Networking Overview of TCP/IP BasicsIP address SubnetAssumptions Connecting the Computer Directly to the DriveRackDhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Setup of a Simple Isolated Ethernet Network Using Dhcp ProxyVirtual Private Networks VPN Network Considerations and LimitationsEthernet Link NetworkTroubleshootingSoftware Firewall Copyrights AppendixDriveRack DriveRackAppendix 18-0353-B